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Cheney Under Oath?

My worst call of last year was allowing hope to cloud my reason and believe that Karl Rove was about to do the perp walk over the exposure of CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson. A satisfying thought, but, alas, only Lewis “Scooter” Libby is on the hook, for perjury and obstruction of justice.

But wait, it seems that there is no honor among thieves. Libby’s lawyer has testified that Libby was concerned about being a scapegoat.

"They're trying to set me up. They want me to be the sacrificial lamb," attorney Theodore Wells said, recalling Libby's end of the conversation. "I will not be sacrificed so Karl Rove can be protected." I just have to quote that again: "I will not be sacrificed so Karl Rove can be protected." Doesn’t it give you a thrill? Rove hasn’t been indicted, but nevertheless, this resembles what is called a “cutthroat defense,” with two defendants accusing each other and claiming innocence. Wells also mentioned a note from Dick Cheney about the setup: "Not going to protect one staffer and sacrifice the guy that was asked to stick his neck in the meat grinder."

The list of probable witnesses includes an array of reporters, White House staffers, present and former CIA officials, Former Secretary of State Colin Powell, and even Dick Cheney. The concept of our Vice President, under oath, being questioned by Patrick Fitzgerald is enough to give me a warm, cozy feeling. I have discussed the prosecutor with a former NSA legal staffer who informed me that Fitzgerald takes perjury very personally and pursues perjurers with precision and intensity. Deadeye Dick will have to walk a very straight line with Mr. Fitzgerald. His testimony could expose a number of highly placed people to some unwanted public and prosecutorial attention.

Perhaps I was right all along, but just had bad timing? I can imagine Patrick Fitzgerald realizing that he didn’t have enough on Rove, but that getting Cheney and others on the stand under oath in the Libby case would give him enough material for another indictment. Right now this is only wishful thinking.

No matter. The Libby case will open a window on the internal workings of the White House in general and the Vice President’s office in particular. This won’t increase anyone’s respect for the morally challenged individuals therein. If this could stiffen the spines of congressional Democrats and distract the White House from attacking Iran or escalating in Iraq, I’m all for it.

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