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Website Changes 

Just a quick note on a couple of changes here in the Land of Minor Heresy.

Down at the bottom of the left hand column you’ll notice a list of earthquakes, all above Magnitude 5 on the Richter scale. This is a data feed from the European-Mediterranean Seismological Center. I decided to put that on after researching and writing my piece on the vulnerability of the Fukushima spent fuel pools to a moderately severe earthquake, say Magnitude 7. If you look there one day and see an earthquake in the 7 range or above in Japan you will want to see how close it was to Fukushima and plan your future accordingly.

Yeah, it’s a downer, but people could actually do something about this.

On a cheerier note, the second item down in the left hand column is a button that says “Donate.” After six years of writing this stuff I finally got around to giving you, my beloved readers, a chance to show your appreciation in, ahrm, a pragmatic way. I spend some solid blocks of time thinking about and writing my posts. I try to offer up something more than the mere snark and link-pointing so often found in blogistan. An intellectual value proposition, you might say. I also pay real money to maintain this site on the Squarespace server.

Do not fear that this site will end up like public radio, with a twice yearly pledge drive. It’s hard to imagine, actually. Perhaps the several sentences above repeated endlessly, like Jack Nicholson’s “All work and no play…”, interspersed with a description of the donate button. It doesn’t bear thinking about.

After this mention I will let the Donate button sit there and do its own thing, glaring at you like the eye of a malevolent pagan god, its altar of credit cards reeking with the stench of burnt electronic funds, and yet demanding more.

Thanks for being my readers.

Reader Comments (2)

How much does it cost to keep the site running per month?

July 28, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLam

Fourteen bucks. It adds up to $168 a year.

It's a bit more than a lot of servers, but Squarespace offers a supported web design/build package that makes it easy for amateurs like me. They have fast, good tech support. Very much worth the money when I think of all the hair tearing I did with Wordpress.

July 28, 2012 | Registered CommenterMinor Heretic

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