Entries in Talk Like A Pirate Day (1)


How it worked, and how it didn’t 

This is going to be a personal one, and a long one. I don’t like to write about myself in this way, but the story is so illustrative that I can’t resist.

First, the epic saga of my left eye. (Close friends can now go get a sandwich – you’ve heard this one) About a year ago I was at my optometrist for my regular exam, with complaints of moving spots of light in my left eye. She saw an odd blotch of pigment on the retina of my left eye. She referred me to an ophthalmologist for another look.

He pronounced it a spot of pigment of little significance, but recommended that my optometrist keep it under annual surveillance.

By the middle of this last summer my left eye was getting fuzzy. We all get “floaters” in our vision now and then, but this was like a squadron of jellyfish. More swooping lights as well. I went back to my optometrist, who kicked me up the ladder to a partnership of retinal specialists. One of them examined me, identified the spot as a birthmark, and scheduled me back in three months for another look.

In mid-September the view in my left eye was like looking through a mass of frog’s eggs.  I accidentally noticed that I was losing my peripheral vision in the top of the eye, so I emailed the retinal specialists. The next day I got the call from the doctor’s office. “Come in today” was the command. They thought that my retina might be rolling down like old wallpaper. The doctor fit me in at the end of the day. My eyeball got a visual exam, and ultrasound, and an angiogram. Then the doctor came into the exam room and shut the door.

“I think you have a choroidal melanoma, “he said. “At least, I hope it’s a choroidal melanoma. Yes, I’m pretty sure it’s a melanoma.” That means a malignant tumor – cancer of the retina. Yes, I was terrified.

My doctor got me an appointment at the Wills Eye Institute in Philadelphia for ten days later. I would go in for tests on a Monday, and if it was actually a choroidal melanoma (I didn’t have the balls to ask him what he hoped it wasn’t, but I had an idea) I would go in on that Thursday to get a metal plate loaded with radioactive iodine sewn to the back of my eyeball. Then three days in isolation, plate removal, and probable loss of vision in my eye. My chances of remission were around 98%.

The Librarian and I took the train down and she accompanied me to the Wills. I went through the usual battery of tests and was examined by a doctor from India on a fellowship and then by Dr. Carol Shields. She and her husband Jerry Shields are, as I found out, the world leaders in the treatment of ocular cancers.

The punch line: It wasn’t cancer. It was (and is) a benign hemangioma, a kind of leaky birthmark on the retina. I still had to have it treated to save the eye. Otherwise I would end up with a rakish eye patch, and every day would be Talk Like a Pirate Day.

I returned to Vermont with the Librarian (after a certain amount of celebration) and scheduled an appointment for Photo Dynamic Therapy, or PDT. This is a process where the patient is injected with a light sensitive drug that seals up capillaries. The doctor beams a cold blue laser on the spot to be treated and the drug is activated there and only there.

And so it came to pass. A couple of friends drove me up to the clinic, I was injected with $1200 worth of Visudyne, and the doctor shot me in the eye with the laser for 81 long, bright seconds. Then I reached into my “burkha bag” for a balaclava, a scarf for my face, glacier sunglasses, and gloves. With the Visudyne in me any skin exposed to the sunlight would blister like leprosy. I spent the next two days indoors with the curtains closed.

My eye is improving. The funhouse mirror effect has gone away. The frog’s eggs have diminished. The light show has toned down.

One could say that the system worked. I brought my complaint to my regular doctor at my regular checkup. I got kicked up the ladder as my condition changed. The retinal specialist made a mistake, but made it in the right direction – caution – and I was sent to the specialists who could nail it for what it was. I received state of the art treatment, which seems to be working.

Then again, one could say that the system worked because I am a special case.

Unlike many people, I go to my optometrist regularly. She has a baseline understanding of the condition of my eyes. Having been myopic for most of my life (Lasik changed that) I have an optometric habit. I was talking about my false alarm with a friend at the farmer’s market and he related the story of a friend of his who actually had had a choroidal melanoma, successfully treated with radiation therapy. He noted that in most cases choroidal melanoma is fatal. How was this, I asked, when they have a 98% effective therapy? Most people don’t get to the doctor until it’s far too late. Oh, right. Most people go through their lives with their retinas unscanned. And not just their retinas.

When I got my first diagnosis the doctor asked me if I had insurance. I did, but with a $10,000 deductible. “That’s gone,” he said. I noted that I had a $23,500 annual out-of-pocket maximum. “That’s gone too,” he said. Luckily I do have insurance, and a retirement account I can raid for this kind of emergency. 40 million Americans lack insurance and most people don’t have that much backup money.

An acquaintance told me the story of one of his golfing buddies, a successful lawyer with a six figure income, gold plated insurance, the works. He had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Three hellish years later he was in remission, but also bankrupt, minus insurance, and foreclosed. Moderate wealth is no guarantee.

I had an interesting discussion with my retinal doctor as I put on my cloaking after the laser treatment.

Not surprisingly the conversation turned to the financing of health care. He was not optimistic. He reported that a number of his colleagues were folding their private practices and running for the cover of medical centers. I asked him why.

“This really needs to get out there,” he said. What follows won’t be news to Vermont doctors or hospital administrators.

He pointed out that if he and an equivalent specialist at the Fletcher Allen Health Care (FAHC) in Burlington do the same procedure, Fletcher Allen gets twice to six times the money from Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS). Likewise, BCBS pays him less than a 5% margin on any drug he uses, while FAHC gets a double digit percentage. FAHC gets a “facilities fee” that independent doctors don’t get, as if the independents were operating under a tree somewhere.

Why is this? “FAHC is the 1200 pound gorilla in Vermont.” He pointed to a couple of incidents in the last decade where FAHC had publicly threatened to cut off the insurance company CIGNA due to a dispute over reimbursements. I looked it up and in fact FAHC and CIGNA had gone toe to toe on reimbursement rates in 2003 and 2008. Vermont is a relatively small health care market, but our money is as green and spendy as anyone else’s. FAHC has the biggest revenue stream in our market, by far. It takes in 47% of the net patient revenue in the state, around $925 million. An insurer that loses access to FAHC becomes irrelevant in the Vermont market. Apparently the insurance companies yield to FAHC on reimbursement and make up for that by squeezing the independent practitioners.

I just received a letter from this doctor stating that his practice was ditching Blue Cross because of insufficient reimbursement.

This makes me wonder how efficient it is to have a big medical center like FAHC. Are they still trying to pay for the Renaissance Project? (From the memory hole: The Renaissance Project was a $173 million expansion approved by regulators in 1999, which turned out to be a huge fraud. The FAHC executives were keeping two sets of books on what was actually a $364 million expansion. Five C-level execs eventually pleaded guilty to various felonies and misdemeanors.)

I suppose there is a certain critical mass necessary for having a Level 1 trauma center and a teaching hospital, but do they really need twice the money for a procedure? I wonder how that plays out across various specialties, and whether one is used to subsidize another, or if it is just administrative bloat. My doctor doesn’t have any highly paid executives managing him.

It’s just another little facet of the whole dysfunctional health care mess. It points up the problem of having a monopsony (near monopoly) in a business where the consumer is desperately interested in results rather than price. That monopsony is necessary in certain cases. We can’t afford to have half a dozen Level 1 trauma centers in Vermont all competing on price. We can’t imagine that they would compete on price if there were six. What terrified relative would shop around while their loved one was bleeding from an artery?

I certainly wasn’t shopping around on price when I thought I had eyeball cancer. My two questions were

1)      Where is the best place to get treated?

2)      How fast can I get there?

Any real world experience debunks the concept of informed health care consumers using a “free market” to drive down costs. Sick people tend not to negotiate well. The worse, and therefore more expensive the condition, the more likely there is to be a specialist monopoly and the less likely that the patient will shop around.

I was also lucky that I had access to a retinal specialist less than an hour’s drive away. I am sure that is not universal. In some places people can’t even find a dentist.

And then, of course, I work for myself, so the boss gives me flex time. He won’t fire me for taking days off to get treated.

So, yes, if you see your doctor regularly, and have insurance, and have money in the bank to cover your deductible, and have a flexible work schedule, and have reasonably local access to the right doctor, and, and, and… the system works. That is too many conditionals for most people.

So what do we do?

 (All these answers are post campaign finance reform. The business of health care just wants to churn money through the system in the most extravagant way possible. Investing in the political campaigns of Social Darwinists provides a good return on investment.)

Pick one of the health financing systems of the 36 countries ahead of us in the World Health Organization’s rankings. That includes all of Europe, Canada, and even tiny Costa Rica. (But we just barely beat Morocco) Let’s be picky and choose one from the top ten. Copy it. They all provide universal coverage and obtain better health outcomes for far less money per capita. We are spending 17% of GDP on health care, when the average among OECD nations is around 9%. If we could duplicate France’s system we would save almost as much money as we now pay in personal income taxes. Let me restate that: Adopting a European style health care system would save us almost as much money as the government now collects in personal income taxes. We are simply idiots about this.

Start paying for outcomes rather than procedures. This goes hand in hand with separating doctors from particular technologies. When a doctor owns a special million dollar hammer (a dialysis clinic, a (insert acronym) scanner, an arthroscopic surgery setup) everything looks like, well, you know.

Institute regionally adjusted reimbursements to encourage doctors to move to underserved areas. Adjust the reimbursement levels regularly as the talent moves around.

Institute specialty adjusted reimbursements to encourage under populated specialties. Primary care physicians come to mind. In a recent article in the NY Times, a professor of economics advocates lower tax rates for primary care physicians, and points to a student loan repayment program offered to physicians who work in underserved areas.

Flip the organizational pyramid of hospitals upside down. Doctors, nurses, and technicians should hire and fire administrators. A hospital is about providing health care, not shuffling paper. Administrators should be organizers, fundraisers, traffic controllers, and bookkeepers, assistants to the people who are doing the primary work. Among other things, this would reduce the probability of grandiose, money sucking building projects.

Change direct cash subsidies to corn growers back to price supports. Say what? Before the mid-1970s, the government supported corn farmers as a buyer of last resort. If there was a bumper crop and corn prices fell below the cost of production, the feds would buy the corn at a sustainable price and store it. When the inevitable bad harvest came and prices went up, the feds would sell the corn at a reasonable price to keep it affordable to consumers. No net cost to taxpayers and corn prices stayed steady. Then President Nixon’s Secretary of Agriculture, Earl Butz, promoted ultra-cheap corn and soybeans with direct cash subsidies instead of price supports. The result of this policy is ultra-cheap sugar and fat, in the form of high-fructose corn syrup, soybean oil, and grain fattened meat. While the inflation adjusted price of corn has stayed flat over the past40 years, the price of produce has gone up 40%. Call it subsidized illness.

I’m ok. I’m lucky. I’m not looking forward to paying the bills – probably the price of a used car. But I am lucky; lucky in where I live, in how I work, and in my modest prosperity. However, we’re running a civilized society here, not a jungle. Luck is not the proper basis for a health care policy.